Who We Are / Mission Statement


Mission Statement

Our mission at FCMS is to provide every student with the opportunity to receive a safe and quality education where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally. 


The school day begins at 8:20 am and ends at 3:20 pm. All students are
expected to be in their seats with their materials ready when the tardy bell rings. Students who arrive after
8:20 am are required to come to the office to sign in tardy to school. Please keep in mind that there are three
schools in close proximity so traffic may not move quickly. Please be cautious and drive slowly for the safety
of all our students.


When a student is absent from school a parent is required to contact the school to verify the
excused absence. If an absence is not verified as excused by the parent/guardian through the school, then
the absence will be considered unexcused. You can contact the school at 765-647-6040 or by emailing Mrs.
Edwards @ ledwards@fccsc.k12.in.us.



Individuals who want to enter the building are required to scan their
state identification card prior to entering the building. The ID scan will initiate a quick scan for specific criminal
offenses. School administration will then proceed with appropriate safety procedures for the situation.
Individuals without scheduled appointments may not be granted access to the building. Parents who wish to
meet with school administration, counselors, or teachers are encouraged to schedule appointments ahead of
time. Parents needing to drop off items to students will be able to leave the item with the controlled entry


Parents/guardians dropping students off at FCMS in the
morning will enter the FCMS parking lot through the first parking lot entrance. Students should be dropped off
next to the sidewalk before the entrance to the circle drive. After the students are safely on the sidewalk
parents/guardians must watch for bus and pedestrian traffic before turning left and proceeding to the parking
lot exit. The circle drive is closed to all vehicles except buses between 8:00 am and 8:25 am.


Parents/guardians picking students up from FCMS after
school will enter the second entrance to the middle school parking lot. The line will form by immediately
turning right and continuing around the outside of the parking lot. Students will be released to load vehicles
near the entrance to the circle drive where a sign will be posted for picking students up. Drivers are expected
to stay in line and wait patiently throughout this process.
● Parents/guardians will form a line around the outside of the parking lot, starting just east of the
entrance to the circle drive.
● Students who are being picked up after school will wait on the sidewalk behind the pick-up sign until
all buses have left the circle drive.
● After those vehicles are loaded and have pulled away the students for the next two vehicles will be
released to their rides.
● This procedure will be repeated until all students have loaded and the cars have left the parking area.
These changes are being implemented to reduce congestion at the exit to the circle drive and provide
a safer loading area.
As always, we are working to provide a safe environment in all aspects of our school community. In order to
reduce congestion at the exit and provide a safer loading area for our students we are making changes to the
pick-up procedures at the end of the day. Thank you for your cooperation. Let’s have a safe and productive
school year!


Per Board approved student handbook, students are required to put wireless
communication devices (Any portable wireless device that has the capability to provide voice, messaging, or
other data communication between two (2) or more parties) in their hallway locker before the beginning of the
first period and keep them in their lockers throughout the entire school day.  Wireless communication devices
may be used in the cafeteria and gym areas prior to the start of first-period class. Wireless communication
devices are not permitted to be used during lunch or during passing periods.  The school district will not be
responsible for the loss, damage, or theft of any cell phone/electronic device brought to school.  
I hope to see you soon and enjoy the rest of your summer!


Mr. Trent Liggett, Principal